Friday 17 July 2009

Techology? Enough please.

I seriously can't take it.
After the almighty Windows fail of yesterday, I switched on my laptop today and it tells me their is no audio device driver. It was there last night. How did it vanish over night.
I did manage to go to the HP site and download it, and i have it now.

I am supposed to be tidying up, but I obviously got distracted by important things, like blogging.
I am finishing my flag drawing. Which is supposed to be a tattered flag, and the message is going to be like a thing like 'how united is country where its lying in tatters' or something like that.

Also been inspired by the reccent Harry Potter competition and am aiming to create something for Fleur Delacour for Wednesday the 29th July. Whether or not I am ready for then will mean that I'd have to hold off till friday the 31st. (which may well happen as I am working all day Monday, tuesday, Wednesday of that week).
I have something in my head very blue, and ice queen like, mostly because she is part Veela, and that is how I imagine the Veelas being in my head.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Backwards in coming forwards

This morning I went to switch on my laptop to get a message saying that Windows was unable to boot. I couldn't even start windows in safe mode.
I phoned HP and was on the phone for 45 minutes between 4 different numbers and was offered no help. Which was a major pain in the ass.
I then phoned the Tech Guys, who supply my cover from Currys, and was on the phone to them for 5 minutes and they got things moving again.
The only issue is that I had to return the laptop to the factory settings, so its back to square one and I have nothing on my pc.
The only good thingabout that is that I now have photoshop cs4 trial installed. Hooray.
I'm having to put loads of songs back into my itunes again.

I am so happy, I thought it was going to end up costing me money and it hasn't.
I can't say how relieved I am

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Not so much fail as I thought

Well, despite all my whining I was doing before, I am not as bad off as I thought I was.
I am still motivated, so I have been doing a lot of drawings in my sketchbook and that. So I am still being creative. Just being a bit peeved I have to use MS Paint to scan anything in, which is just in inconvienience really. I mean Paint is pants.
I have been playing with Corel Painter, but you need a lot of practice to work it properly. I can make a good mess on it though :D

I did eventually get round to painting my hand (no, not that one), which I don't hate. I love watercolour, and its nice to be able to use it too let of some frustration.

I have an another attendance hearing at work. Oops, maybe I should cut down on the sicky days. I have tried, and its not my fault I had the flu. I mean I couldn't talk, so I couldn't do my job. Stupid work.

Anyway, I am enjoying my job more, and despite being more skint than I ever thought possible, I am generally quite happy.

Slightly anxious about the whole brother/army/Afghanistan thing, but I have already blogged my two cents about that

But, for once in my life, I am chilled and happy.
Something tells me to make the best of it whilst I still can.

Oh, and because I have been listening to Black Flag and Anti-Flag all day and am in fact drawing a flag, its Flag Day. So happy flag day

Sunday 12 July 2009


Why the hell have I become so dependant on computer software. I mean I never used to use anything, just paint and draw. And now the software has gone tits up, I feel so lost.

I think I like the security that I can view pieces on my computer, before I post them. I have a hand I am going to paint, and then Im going to scan in my sketch book.  I'll get that all done tonight.

Its kinda nice to focus on painting and that. I mean I spent all afternoon yesterday sitting painting in the garden. Which was something I haven't done in forever.  And it felt so nice.

I have totally fell in love with art reccently, and it is such a stressbuster in my life, and I can't say how much I appreciate being able to do things like paint and draw. Its been such a major part in my whole life, and it always will be.

The best thing about coming back to my art, is that I am to see where I've improved. Like my portraits are slightly less alien-looking that what they used to be. And I can also see my own style developing with my draw, which I suppose is me showing the way I feel most comfortable.  I suppose I am quite a sketchy drawer, but I like looking at things like that as well.

I suppose it shows a lot of expression, and I like that in comparission to works which are strict and realistic. I mean of course that is beautiful, but to me it may not express me, personally. Which is why I got into art.

Summer of fail

Ok, now one of the main things I need to edit my paintings and drawings i have done is photoshop. And my Adobe CS3 has 'fatal errored' over the last two days, leading to me deinstalling the whole thing.


I dont have a working copy at home. So I thought I could install the CS4 trial untill I could get CS3 back. But the stupid thing is refusing to install.

So before I had a dead CS3, and now i have an uninstallable cs4. And the Adobe website is useless in giving any support. The tool they give, can't even detect the photoshop files I'm having an issue with. So good help there, Adobe. Pat on the back for you.

I am giving it a break, I'm deleting it all and starting from square one tomorrow. Despite me whining a lot, this blog is to say that I am not gonna be uploading much in the next while (unless someone can give me my beloved cs3 back).

I may photograph my sketchbook, and paintings and the like. I have like 3 commissions that i cannot do, I am sending them photos of sketches and stuff, and its going ok so far. But I can't do anything digitally.

I feel like I've lost a limb. :(