Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Barbie Girl

Ok for my animation 'e card', I am creating a small animation for a holiday of my choice, and I am choosing Beltaine. Its a Wiccan festival of fire, which happens every spring. I have read into it, and it seems to be way of getting nature to allow crops to grow, etc.

Anyway, I was initially going to hand draw the animation, which was to have a witchy person casting spells, with sparks everywhere as the magic was cast. I came across a road block because I can't seem to be able to draw what I want. :( I was not happy. Sooo..... I went and bought a barbie, with the idea of animating it like Stop motion. 

So the plan is to photograph all parts of the doll, import them into photoshop, where I can then edit them, so that the doll can wear what I want it to.

Also planning a trip through to see if there are any exhibitions in Edinburgh, going through with Paul. I like art galleries and I never get to go. So hooray for that.

Also hooray for the awesome-ness of Links Market in Kirkcaldy.

Life is good.

Sometimes. :) xx

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

So.....still kind of ill :( I had the flu last week, and I am now suffering from the cold. I was getting at the stage where I thought I was getting better, and into a 'swing' with things, I just end up wanting to lie in bed all day and do nothing.

So, not in the best working situation right now, and it's noone's fault bar mine.  I have two weeks off coming up, and going to spend all my time working on my projects. Its a lot of work, but I should be ok.  The plan is to blitz my projects one-by-one, and get them all up to date. I am falling behind, again, and I need to stop blaming other things.

Its MY work, so it's MY responsibility to get it done.

I can do my own work no problem, but its this whole concept on getting my creativity to work on a schedule. I suppose that's why I am in college, to learn how to do things like that. To be honest, that is the hardest thing to do, as I work well to my own timescales, but as soon as someone else gives me a schedule to work off, I just come to a stop. Its like I can't be creative to someone else's demands. Again, it's just learning that, I suppose.

See me and my rebellious creativity XD

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Most of the last few days, I have only been on the PC, if it was needed. The reason is, that I am choked with the flu. I feel horrible.

But it did make me think how I would live without technology. I mean it is impossible for me to imagine my life without my computer, tv, mobile and X box. It's crazy. I want to know when did I become so emotionally attached to such items. I used to be attached to my wee stereo but that was it. Now, I carry my mobile and iPod everywhere. I am also connected to the web, for most of my day. Because I email clients and printmakers a lot, I always check my emails.

It's almost like a compulsion. Unless I am really ill, I can't survive on silence. I don't know if it's because I am usually so busy,  but I struggle to relax. apparently this is a common thing, these days, with a lot of people struggling to relax, because society, these days requires us to not switch off. It's like we always need stimulation from somewhere. It's crazy.

Hoping to get work as a graphic designer, I am going to be spending  a lot of time on the computer, that is something that is not going to change. That is not necessarily a bad thing, because it is something I need to do. I just need to be able to switch off a lot more. So that I can relax. At the moment I work and relax using the internet. I need to be able to feel that I can switch off from the web. Not really sure how to do that though.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Good or Bad

Going on from my train of thought yesterday. I starting thinking about what says something is either good or bad. We get told there are bad words, bad actions, bad clothes, bad music. But really what does any of that mean?

The thing is, it's our heads that decide what is good or bad. Its our thought process, which turns something good or bad. A word is just a word, it can't stab someone. The thoughts and ideas the word conjures up, is what decides whether it is good or bad. And the thoughts and ideas change, depending on where you come from.

For instance, if I mention the word 'fag', I mean it as cigarette, and usually means I am going for a smoke. But to Americans, it is a negative word aimed at gay people. So whilst in the UK, that word is harmless, in the US it is a terrible word. But the word isn't the bad thing, its what people connect to it. It happens everywhere.

I feel that is something that is a part of how people work. Like I said yesterday, people like to feel more superior, and they do that by having answer for everything. So rather than saying, 'that song isn't to my taste', people are more likely to say 'that song is bad'. Its maybe people just not wording things right, but I feel it is more than that. Its like giving it a solid answer, if you say that something is bad. That's it, end of discussion.

But, fair enough, if people are taught and brought up to think that way. But, it becomes an issue, when someone opposes their opinion. People forget that opinion is never right or wrong. People refuse to except differing opinions, and refuse to discuss them. We call our selves the most superior race, but if we can't accept and discuss even simple opinions, its no wonder society is crumbling.

You want someone to listen and respect what you say and think, maybe you should do the same. Try it.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Free Speech, Costly Thoughts

I had an odd instance today. Where I talked about something, and was given the reply of death threats. Its an odd occurence. I am a very opinionated person, and never had the problem of such volatile reactions to my words.
It wasn't as if the words were offensive. I mean, I spoke negatively about a singer from a bands actions. But that's it. I didn't berate him for it, I just said I did not agree with his actions. Simple enough, you may think. It's just showing opinion, over something. Which is all it was. But when did opinion become a fight about what's right and wrong?

I wish I could say, that my experience today, was a one off occurence.  But I know, just by watching the news, it isn't. We are constantly being told how lucky we are, because we live in a country which allows free speech. Which is all very well, in theory. Free speech, also allows free thinking. And people, as complex as we appear, can't seem to process anything other than a good side and a bad side, just black and white. So the thoughts you think up, are either right and wrong, as if that gives it an answer.

I mean, we like answers don't we. Like to have everything in resolved in a neat little package. People are reluctant to say something is someones opinion, and to just leave it that. They feel the need to show why it is right, or wrong. Why?

Looking through the news, I saw that T4's Miquitta Oliver has been suspended from her work, because she spoke negatively about US singer Ke$ha. She apparently used swear words when talking about the singer. Now, note that the words themself, weren't what caused the damage. It was the thought process, connected to those words. But to say that someone is not allowed to air their frustrations, with this 'free speech', kind of indicates that we are not as free as we are lead to believe.

But that's not anything new is it?

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Everybody PANIC!

Ran my idea, of featuring my blog in  my sketchbook, as some kind of anitation, past Caron, my tutor, today. She seemed to like it. And she also said that it could be useful as a design idea. Like having large setions of text, and pulling out words of importance into the front. This would be an enteresting concept. But I need to think about it some more.

Been reading about this 'panic button', which the government want to be added to facebook. The government feel that if they inforce this, then it stops kids being lured by paedophiles. They need to be aware, that this won't actually stop the kiddies being lured by perves. Rather than bad mouthing Facebook, because it wants to attempt its own methods of protection. If a panic button is used, and it 'red flags' a members page.

This is the account being reported, and the way the most sites work, that 1 report and the member gets looked at, and warned. But 5 or 6 reports within a short period of time, the account in question is automatically blocked. Now if everybody uses it correctly, then it works well. But people will abuse it, and will report accounts, which belong to people who maybe are a tad annoying.

Also, this 'panic button' is to be used by kids. Now, it is known that most kids who fall into these traps set up by perverts, don't think they are at risk. They don't sense danger, so won't press anything.

So again, the government seem to be having somekind of kneejerk reaction, to Facebook reccently being in the news, after being used by perverts, and by criminals torturing their victims through the site.  They have just thrown out an idea, and hoped that it would be good enough. Then the government will start saying that Facebook is 'evil', in an attempt to make themselves look right. The UK government is taking to many short cuts right now, they just want to blame it on someone else

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Back on track

Day 2 of operation 'Make myself Work'. And guess what?

I actually did some work. *does a victory dance*

Ok, I probably could have done more, but some work is better than no work, right? I did a bit of mixed media, which means me, bits of paper, glue and lots of coloured ink. Total good fun.

The 'mixed media' is for my Art & Design unit, which is self-expressive. Where I have to advertise 'Me' as I would any other product. Kind of had an idea of blogging and putting my blogs as  little progress reports through my project. I think that is good, as blogging is one of the most common ways I get my thoughts and feelings across. So because I include that as a big part of who I am, right now,  I think it would be a good idea to have blogs through my sketchbook. Unsure of whether it is a good idea or not. Not really talked to anyone else about it, other than myself, so don't know if it's going to be successful or not.

The 'Me' project is going to be messy, as I am a messy person in general. And it is also going to be a contrast to my Graded Unit, for which all the pages have been created digitally. I think that will be intresting, to have my two projects contrasting in that way. Besides, if I did them both digitally, I think I'd be pulling my hair out, as I am very arty and enjoy making my mess.

Digital work is something, I am having to force myself to do, as it does not come naturally. I am constantly being told, that it is good to get out of your comfort zone everyone in a while. I am getting better at using Photoshop and illustrator, but I still get a headache. Probably because I am infront of a PC all day at college, at my work (Sky) and again at home, when I am trying to finish things. So I'm not really suprized I like to spend some time off the computer.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The Search For Inspirado

I am so super distracted right now.

The money situation is getting no better, and I am just 'grr-ing' at everything. I'm just not getting anything done, and just banging my head of a brick wall. I am progressing slowly, though. Very slowly. So slowly, I may even start going backwards, just for the hell of it.

I seem to be using my financial  situation as an excuse for being so crap at the moment. But I need to get a grip, I can' t keep on blaming other things for my failure. Sooo *deep breath, I am forcing myself to get some drawings done. I know, I know, I should be doing college work, but I need to get a build-up of my drawing portfolio as well as doing my units. I haven't spent any time on art work for a while, and I feel that may be what is causing such an issue.

Soooo, in a bid to get started again, I am drawing a centaur (horse/person), as an attempt to get motivated. We'll see what comes from it, I guess

Monday, 15 March 2010


I guess I am going to go on a bit of a rant today.

Getting sick of all these labels that get thrown about. I didn't use to notice it when I was younger, but I don't know whether that's because I didn't get involved with 'alternative culture' untill I became a bit older, and more confident. I used be the geeky art student, who blended into the background,. and was ignored by the vast majority of people at my school. As I have got older, I have found that my confidence has risen dramatically.

I am now 25 (almost 26) and tattooed and pierced, and have  died my hair, so many colours. But I am more comfortable than I have ever been in my whole life. Ironic, then, that it is now that I get negative attention. Emo, goth, and other labels get thrown in my direction. It just feels that the when I attract attention its bad attention. Although most of the time, it's just water off a  ducks back, but sometimes, it does get under my skin. And when it does, I totally beat myself up on why I'm getting viewed like that, when I feel I have done nothing wrong.

People like to bring others down, no matter what it is. they feel that the only way to make themselves look better is to attack other people. To attack someone because they look different is the lowest of the low, and just shows someones ignorance. No matter what colour, religion or style everyone is the same. The sooner people zccept that the better.

It would certainly make my day-to-day life easier.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

My home- it's where I'm fae

So, these last few days of taking my camera everywhere is going ok, and I am taking about 20-30 images a day. Its a variety of stuff too.

Some things just humour me. And I am finding that most people don't share my sense of humour. I mean, take the image above, I was walking through Inverkeithing (where I live) and I saw that street sign. I found it so funny. Odd, that I have lived in the same town for the majority of my life, and had no idea that a 'Fair Place' existed. The ironic thing is, that there is about 3 houses full of benenfit cheats living on that street. I guess thats why it made me laugh. Actually I laughed so hard, I got a few bewildered looks off people.

Due to missing my bus, I went down to the local park, somewhere I haven't spent a lot of time since I was younger. And it made me completely happy.

I mean, it was such a nice day. ^^This is the museum. It is somewhere I would like to go in, because I haven't been in it since I was at school. It tells a lot about the history of the town, and shows the importance of ship building in the area. Whilst Rosyth Dockyard, was used to build the ships, Inverkeithing, was commonly used to help break down ships, and prepare them for refurbishment at Rosyth. I know it's very geeky, but I love local history, and think everyone should know about where they live.

Looking over the park, you can see the old un-used paper mill. After the shipyard became less used, the papermill was built in 1914. This was used untill 2003, when a dip in the market lead to a closure of the mill, and a loss of 150 jobs. Sad days, and to date, the chimney stacks still stand tall, with the wonderful backdrop of the Firth of Forth behind it. Unfortunately, plans have been suggested to flatten the mill and make it into housing. I personally, would love to see the Mill refurbished, and used as a museum for paper making. It's too beautiful a building to kill, and I think it would be a dramatic loss to Inverkeithing when it does go. I think it should be protected, but I guess only time will tell.

Reliving my childhood

As I have said, I spent most of my life in Inverkeithing, and this used to be one of my favourite parts of the park. Originally these dark enclosures where used as jails. As a kid, I remember hearing stories about monsters living in them, and that if you spent too much time looking at their 'home', they would eat you. It added this sense of adventure to this area, and I remember sitting on the grass eating a 'chippy' during school lunch times.

It's like looking into a black hole. When I was younger, it looked like it went on forever, but now I can see the ground. I must have had some imagination.

I also remembering racing my little brother up these stairs. It was great fun. Looking round it all, made me feel really nostalgic, and genuinely miss being a kid. It also made me realise how long it must have taken people to build the old walls and stairways, because they are all so unique. I mean, walls these days, tend to be made of exact size bricks, etc. Different sizes of normal rocks and boulders where used to make walls, and that must have been a lot more difficult.

Ok, that had slightly less structure, than I planned, but that's what happens when I get excited about things.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Happy days

I don't know if it's due to me having no classes, but I am all chilled out today. I missed the bus, and rather than getting all pissy, I went for a walk. Which makes a change, because I am one of these people, who gets stressed at the slightest thing. I think its helped that it is a really nice day. Its got me all ready to come into college and do work. Which I would do, but the chav class in the room, are distracting me. I can't focus when they have no idea how to use their 'indoor voices'. Sometimes I think I am at a nursery, not a college.

I am a simple person and it doesn't take much to make me happy. I mean beer, iPod, sketchbook and crisps, made me extremely hyper when I was heading up to Aberdeen on Friday. And that really is as little as it takes to cheer me up. I seem to work better when I'm stressed, but I don't know if that's just cause I leave everything to the last minute.

But the weather is nice, so I think that also impacts on my work and mood. I mean if it is pouring down with rain, then I don't want to leave my bed, and that leads to me being lethargic all day. Uch.

Saying that, at least the snow seems to finally be gone. Though I have a sneaking suspicion it may return, just because it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere.

Anyway, this was not supposed to be a blog about the weather, which it turned out to be, but it is a thought that the weather impacts everything we do. Although we may not think about it. It must come from nature, because I suppose in bad weather, we would have naturally taken cover. But now that is not necessary, but it is expectected that we would still retain some of that instinct, to retract away from the bad weather. Oh well.
And whilst I remember...

...I dyed my hair, and got a new tattoo. Good times, indeed.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

What A Weekend Should Be

This weekend, was a relaxing one. Reuniting with old friends, and having a stress-free time.

Glee- Don't Stop Believin' -----song of the weekend.

Was the most social weekend I have had in a while, and went out on both the Friday and Saturday. Gemma is a Primary School teacher, and Sharon is a trainee lawyer. What is great, is that although we are 3 completely different people, and although we met at school, we are still close. Its good. Though life does separate most people, its such an achievement, when you can say that you have gotten through that, and can still call schoolmates friends, almost 8 years after leaving school.

We went to a flat in the Bridge of Don, on Friday, and I got slightly sozzled drinking too much whisky. Also realised that if, someone is getting very drunk, I automatically stop drinking, which is something I never used to do. I guess I seem to have fallen into being a responsible drinker, and I have no idea when that happened. Saying that I have never been a heavy drinker, as I'd rather spend my money on something else, more worthwhile.


Thursday, 4 March 2010


Today has decided that it's going to be a Wordpress blog only, in preperation of syncing it with my website, Psychobabble.

So this is going to  more active. Need to build up what influences me and things, and after reading a few blogs, taking daily pictures, is a good way to get across influences and what I am feeling. I do take my camera a lot of places with me, but I still get embarassed at getting it out and taking pictures. I don't know why.

So after my 'a look a day in the mirror' thing helped me get a better body image about myself. So by taking pictures everyday, I hope to get a good stock of images, and help get my photography skills, a bit better. Good idea, or bad idea? I guess only time  will tell.

So just to get things off and running, here is a picture of a Yoshi painting I did a while ago. Something I am quite proud of .

Also decided to get away for the weekend, to de-stress, as I am driving myself crazy, about things I won't go into here. But to summarise, it is mostly college work,  money issues and family issues. So basically everything, which is my life is currently going a bit wrong. Which is a bit of a stinker.

Anyway, I am heading to Aberdeen, to see Gemma and Sharon, who I went to school with. We left school almost 8 years ago, and we are still good friends. That has to say something. So, I'm really looking forward to getting away from Fife, even if it is just for a few days. Should do me, and my head, some good.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

And this is my angry face

I am so pissed off.

I wish I could say why I was pissed off, but I can't. I just feel so strained, and that everything I am doing right now is forced. Like I have to try so hard to do anything. Sitting here, in this call centre is one thing, that takes the most energy. The air conditioning is just recycling dead air, and it is suffocating and gives me headaches. And when I get a headache I really cannot be bothered with the telephone at all.

Is it odd to say that my own head is suffocating me, because that is truely what it feels like. Its like whatever I do, there is some force pushing against me, willing me not to continue. That in itself is a strange concept, and not something I am used to feeling. It leaves me feeling really drained.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Uber Stresshead

So, here I am sitting at work, and I could really do without being here for 5 hours, answering the phone to people who think I am thick as shit.

I still have a big gap of research to do for both my Graded Unit and Art & Design Project, and I can't do any of it, whilst I am here. Not even when its quiet, I would need to be able to put my pen drive in the pc, to save images, and I can't do that. Mostly because the 'powers that be', seem to think i will steal data from the pc. Which is understandable, I guess, if not a little over cautious.

I got my photograph taken in the photography studio at college, which was exciting. It was taken by students, but it was still cool. Never really done anything like that before. We were told we would get a copy of the photos, which would be cool. I need some full shots of my self, as I have never felt more comfortable about my body. I think that has to do with the fact, that for the last few days I have been forcing myself to look in the mirror every day. Mostly because I need to love my self. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm sick of being told that I am wrong for the way that I look. I have always been large, and its time for me to be happy for that.