Friday, 30 April 2010
Also a minor note
At about three minutes into the clip, they mention the same video by me, that they had tweeted about earlier in the week. My and twitter username is Psychobabble.
I swear, that moment, at 2.40am, may have just made my year :D
Workity Work Work
Here I am, actually attempted to kick start my motivation again. And I am doing so with my Art & Design project. I am going to be honest, in the space of a month in a half since my last relevent update, I have done virtually no work.
I know, I know. Its really, really bad. *scolds herself*
I have attenpted more research, but I'm still not done. So I am attempting to get it all done this afternoon, and start getting a bit more excited about this project. Because right now, I have not put the time into it, so right now I feel nothing towards it.
Which is making it so much harder to get anything done. So, I am decided, that today is going to be about making myself do this work, and hopefully get more attatched to it. I mean, if I can get excited about it, it would be a lot easier.
Also, I was looking over some old sketch book, and these seem to have really inspired me, to get things done with this. Because I used to pick up influences from everywhere, and it really helped me with my work. I really need to start that again. So I went and bought a book, which will be used as a scrapbook/diary. Which is something I haven't done in years.
So Fingers crosses it all works.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
It's Suesday
I woke up his morning to loads of comments from twitter, people were trying to wake me up. Now, this was at about 5am, and if you know me, you know that time of the morning is a no-go area for me. Well I logged on to see that both Benji and Joel had tweeted about my thank-you thread I started on the Good Charlotte website. Now this contained a video of me crying like a child, because I was having an 'emo' day, and wanted to thank the band.
I sat staring at the apple mac screen in awe. I had no idea this had happened. And overnight, the views for my video went from 106 to way over 300.
Check this out. Pretty F-in cool.
Monday, 26 April 2010
I <3 Monday
As in the best day I have had in aggggeeeessss.
A while ago, I submitted t-shirt designs to a few shops and online. Just because I hate the idea of stuff I like, lying around doing nothing, so I just sent them off in a PDF to see what would happen. Well a company (not going to name names incase it goes tits-up) in Edinburgh, got back to me and were intrested about purchasing the designs to sell. Also a company called threadless, have emailed me to say there is a real chance they could be selling two different designs.
I am so happy and hyper and generally I am a big shouty mess. I am so excited. Even if this doesn't go well, I at least have some experience at meeting actual proper clients. I don' t think I have ever been so excited, and so proud of my work. If I wasn't at work I would post something, but I am at work, your not seeing anything.
Alllssssoooo, been asked to contribute to a new Scottish Punk fanzine which is starting in the next few weeks. Which will be so much fun. I am getting some MP3s sent through via email to review. YAY!
And I am going to write an article to be submitted for Sky's internal customer service newsletter. I don't know whether that will go through.
ANNNNNNDDDDD, I am writing a 10,000 word fiction for a competition.
And that is all without even touching my college work.
I don't know the meaning of over-work obviously.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
I have Flash open, so I have gone through the motions of trying to get work done, but as of yet, I have made no progress. As for everything else, nadda been done there either. :(
*sigh* I remember being at primary school, and I always did loads of work, and even did extra credit stuff, I was such a geeky kid. Then as I grew through high school, that resolve to doing loads of work, fell apart, and I found my self starting to fail subjects. Like English. I always write and I love reading, but yet I flunked higher English. It wasn't that the stuff was hard, it was more challenging, it was that I couldn't be bothered. Everything felt like too much of an effort. Which just left me frustrated
Well this frstration has continued through the rest of my education, be it the Vet Nursing or the Graphic Design. There have been a few years, where I have done really well, but most of it, I have just barely scraped a pass. And I get more frustrated and beat myself up. And that makes want to do work even less. Its a nasty circle, and I don't know if its ever going to end.
The one thing that has changed, is that I am now feeling that I no longer HAVE to do college to be successful. Surely if I am creative, it will speak for itself and I will get work. But from looking around, things aren't that simple and most employers in the creative sector require you to have some sort of formal training. Which is infuriating. I mean if someone has a good eye for design, or a good style, then surely that should be better than a certificate?
Doesn't skill out-rank grade? It irritates me to no end, that if you want to be successful in this world, then you need to have to have some kind of college degree. I'm not wanting a formal job, I am pretty much decided that I am going to freelance. But I guess only time will tell if that will work or not.
Check out my latest Vlog:
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Motivation Such An Aggrivation
Because I am so addicted to Youtube at the moment, I have decided to link one of my other projects to it. For my final animation I have to do something for my website, a short animation which runs for like 20 seconds. What I decided to do was do an animation entrance into my website, and actually use it as an #intro' to my Vlogs on youtube.
I think that will be a good idea, and it does make me want to go and start this now. Also , I have talked about before, how I had to do an animated e-card, and I was going to do it on Beltaine (the fire festival). Well, it was too hard to get it the way I wanted it to look. So I decided to swap the holiday to Halloween. Mostly because I was getting so frustrated that I was not wanting to even look at the stuff.
So this should make this a bit easier. I am already further ahead than what I was on my old animation. It features a cat, and a pumpkin, and I KNOW it sounds really cliched, but its something easy to do. And because I am scrapping my old one, and I have to hand it in by Monday. Thats about 4 days to do a whole animation and re-do all the planning.
But it has me excited over the fact that soon I could have a full animated intro to my Vlogs. *Yay*
Other than my animation, I am now designing Shaun's portfolio site as part of my web design unit. I have done his banner for his site, and I'm going to hopefully start laying it out sometime over the last week. But at the moment I am sorting out his images, and getting all the content ready, so I can just go straight on and build the site. So things seem t0 be starting to move on that front.
Good times. :D
I just have to hope it stays like that. *crosses fingers*
Monday, 19 April 2010
Sue the Vlogger Blogger
The world of Vlogs is an intresting one. One where you could lose hours of your life, just observing those around. Yes, youtube has destroyed whatever life I tried to have outside the interwebs. *d'oh* Basically, everyone knows I am addicted to blogging. Well vlogging is worse. I mean I make videos so that I can see the improvements, and because I really like talking about myself.
I find it hard telling people things face to face, so I write about it. And call me strange (no, in a minute not yet), buuutt it is a lot easier talking away to my camera, than it is a real person. (OK, now you can call me strange) I think its because when you tell someone something face-to-face, you have to see their reaction. And if you post a video explaining something on youtube, you can kind of psyche yourself up before you see their comments. And I think thats why vlogs and sites like Youtube are so popular. And finding someone that understands you, also helps.
I find myself always on here or youtube, and I crave to see what people think. But that is kind of stupid, because I could just tell them whats on my mind, rather than stalking facebook to see if anyone 'likes' my link to my new vlog. Oh well, its how I roll. I guess.
The good news is that I am on the market to get a deccent video editor, other than windows Movie Maker, because it annoys me. Ideally I'd be using Adobe Premier Pro, because it is so easy to use. But, alas, I can't afford it, so am stuck using the package which came with my computer. Any suggestions, send them my way.
I'll be so thankful, I may even create something in your honor.
Yep, I am in need of a decent video editor. Maybe its not that the software that is fail, so much as it is me. Seeing that I have only ever made 1 other video, other than the stuff I have uploaded on my channel. Maybe it will get better.
*crosses fingers, clicks heels three times and wishes apon the brightest star that my videos get a lot better*
Friday, 16 April 2010
I have had a fantabulous week this week, and kind of pretended that I had a life. It was a nice change from just doing things online. The thing is, I tend to spend more money when I am out, which can be not so great. Can never win with me, I always find something to complain about.
Anyway, been sitting becoming addicted to more and more Vlogs (Video Blogs) via Youtube. I guess I like watching and taking note of how people express themselves when they talk to a camera, in the hope that I can pick up some pointers. Its the only way you learn anything like that, I guess.
So check out my second proper Vlog. Its maybe not perfect, but I had fun making it.
Its comforting to see that most of the Vlogs I have been watching, started of rather like mines. *Phewww :) * So at least that's a positive.
Random find of the day
Its an R2-D2 bin. I mean, I used to watch the orignal Star Wars trilogy ALL THE TIME, so I cannot say how excoted this has made me. This wonderful little thing is from things for smart masses *yeah I loled at that*. You get a full sized one or you can get a desktop one. Its is priced from $39,99 (£25.99) to $99,99 (£64.97). I really like them, and I have bought things off this site before. So check it out. Link to purchase R2-D2 is .
So have an enjoyable Friday folks, I am away to earn money to pay my bills. So ciao xx
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Digital Economy Act- the reaction
Having a busy day today, so this is just an update. I thought I'd show that are people are as concerned as myself about this blog.
My friend Ryan can't understand why this has been pushed through. It is a bill of great importance to the British public and can't understand why they could not have waited till AFTER the election to make a decision.
An anonymous comment on the LiveJournal cross post of yesterdays blog said 'As if the government need to prove how out of touch with their voters they are.' I have to agree with this sentiment as they obviously hasn't been much thought and discussion into the act, I mean a 2 hour debate on the act is not enough. We, the people, need to stand up against the government and show how we feel.
Speaking of showing how you feel, yesterday I said I had contacted my MP, Willie Rennie, about why he DIDN'T vote on the act. Well, I woke up this morning with a reply from him :-o I know, I was shocked.
The jist of what I said was -
Why were you one of the MPs who DID NOT vote in the approval for the Digital Ecconomy Act? It is a joke that it was rushed through just before Parliment was dissolved. This could potentially penalise every one of your voters with an internet connection.
And he replied-
Digital Economy Act- bad times.
A big SERIOUS news story is the UK government passing the Digital Economy Act, where it deals with 'copywrite issues in a modern society'. The main points of this Act is that if there are repeated infringements on copywrite, after warnings from their Internet Service Provider (ISP) people can be cut off from the interwebs. This is a serious issues as if you get accusations, and your connection gets stopped, will it stop you from getting access with another provider? This could end up like some sort of quality check, and I can see ISPs profiteering on people with a poor history, where they have been banned by a provider.
This is a very serious concern, as there has already been numerous cases where innocent people have been threatened with court orders, after a company accuses them of illegal file sharing. Now, my stance is, if the method of 'catching' people is not efficient, how can a bill be passed to give the people who use these methods more power? It just doesn't make sense. People are becoming nervous. Broadband connections ARE NOT 100% hack-proof. Even with a password protected connection, people can still find a way to gain access. Now if these people, using your connection unauthorised, do something illegal and get caught. Its you as the account holder who will get penalised. Security needs to improve on routers, and detection methods need to be more solid, for this act to be a success.
Now the big thing that bothered me with this Act was Clause 43, which was for Photography, and that if the author of a particular image could not be contacted, then the image can be used anyway. This raised fears that someone would find a picture on Google, and simply say 'I couldn't find the author' and they could use the image. This was dropped last-minute out of the bill, and will presumably get put through Parliament again once normality has resumed after the 6th May election.
It is very concerning that this bill was pushed through, just before parliament was dissolved for the election. It is a bill which affects every person in the UK with an internet connection, and yet the majority of MPs were not present to vote on whether the bill should pass into law. This sneaked through, as if it was forced. And the media is making more fuss over Google, Microsoft and Facebook. This act was not publicised, because there would be an almighty backlash about it. Most of the MPs were working on how to start their campaigns for the General Election, rather than supporting something which could affect even themselves.
Without a foolproof method of detecting the law breakers, this act should NEVER have seen the light of day.
So, a rather serious blog, but I feel that everyone who has an issue with this Act needs to raise their concerns. We live in a democracy, where people can no longer be bothered to fight for their rights. This act should have been postponed till AFTER the election, it should not have been rushed through, like it was.
Read more about the Digital Economy Act 2010-
O2's reaction
I know this act was passed last week, but when candidates come knocking on your door ask why they allowed this to go through. Ask them why they didn't vote. I have already contacted my MP Willie Rennie about this, and will say if he decides to reply. I am not holding my breath.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Team Adobe FTW
Having issues uploading videos on Youtube, hence the reason my Fujifilm review video is not part of this blog. It was supposed to be here, and showing how the video function works, but allas that is going to have to wait another day. So kinda irked abouth that.
Also thanks to the marvelous Jon at Tehkseven ( ) who, in one of his Phonage vids (sooo good check 'em out) talked a little about novelty cushions. Now this sounds incredibly boring, until you see them.
I mean how cool are these. I'm sure I was not the only person who got EXTREMELY excited over them :P
Okay, maybe I was, but I am geek. I get away with all sorts. The pillows cost $16.99 (£11) each and are from the lovely peoples at CraftSquatch, who speciallise is making geeky pillows. They also are selling Social Networking pillows as well, starring the Myspace logo, facebook, etc. If you are like me, and decide that you MUST HAVE these, then visit their store at
Also a news story, which has a rather large importance to me, and many other web developers, is the wonderful Steve Jobs and his anti-Adobe stance. Where the issue stems from is that when Apple released the new iPad, it became apparent that there was going to be NO Flash. For the unitiated, Flash is the software used for videos, games and many other features of your favourite websites. *very simplified analysis of the situation* I have heard people say that this will be the 'end for Adobe Flash'. Which I am hoping is a slight exaggeration, I mean I am just getting to grips with working on Flash. I am hoping that Apple and Mr Jobs, backtrack and do start using Flash again, buuuutt I seriously doubt it. I mean days before Adobe CS5 launched, Mr Jobs issued a statement saying that there was no way that Apple were going to backtrack on the Flash issue. For more info visit
Also, visit to read about Adobe's response.
It sounds like neither side will give. Adobe should take a leaf out of Apple's book, and just sue them. I mean Apple is sueing just about every smartphone producer for infringing on patents, so why not. As a developer, I do have to side with Adobe. Sorry Apple, I was becoming a wee fan, but you are acting like a spoilt child. So Team Adobe FTW.
Hopefully this stress test for the worlds web developers, will come to an end soon. *crosses fingers*
See ya on the flipside *aka- tomorrow*
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Preview of the review
Happy Saturday everybody.
Hope all is good in the hood. And such :P
I am blogging with my first proper Vlog. Though, I am unsure how I can call it proper as you can tell I suck at it soooooo much. :( Oh well.
I am promoting my lovely new camera, the Fujifim A180, becaue I love it. It has a very good video camera, which is a little washedout on its first youtube outing. I can see myself getting a tripod and recording off that. Seeing as it will be more steady than using the webcam on my laptop, which I am using right now.
Planning to recording the pub, both PJs and Creepy's and also film outside. Now these are different situations, and will show how the video copes with things such as movement and the like. These seem like good tests of the video. I will also take pictures, but I already know my camera is fantastic at dealing with that.
Yeah, as hard as it sounds, I actually ramble more when I'm talking than I do when I am typing. :)
Anyway, trying to get up the intrest, so if you enjoy my crap talking please Rate, Review and Subsribe. I will love you forever, and will be your best friend.
Enjoy whats left of your Saturday. xox<----have some naughts and crosses
**P.S.- product review was unexpected, but I thought I would give it a shot, seeing as I have been watching a ton of them recently**
**also- do not like new youtube to much, I'll get used to it though**
I honestly, have not had to much to update about. The most exciting thing that has happened has been me starting a new youtube channel. Called, you guessed it, Riot Graphics.
I actually sat down and taped myself doing some (very bad) type of introduction. It made me feel for every single vlogger on Youtube. It was a disaster, took me about an hour to record the 40 seconds of footage. And even then it was not perfect.
Now I have broke the 'threshold, I should find it easier doing Vlogs, and feel comfortable talking to a camera. Its not the talking so much that bothers me, its the fact that it is out there for other people to see. :S
Saying that, I doubt anyone really cares all that much about me and my highly irritating voice :S
Anywho, the main reason for me starting a new channel is, so that I can do two things:
1)Improve my blogs, and the variety of which I can do. It kinda give things another dimension, which is nice :)
2) Showcase my work. I like the ideas of having my videos run as if they are a slideshow. I just need to do better quality/more reccent work.
Here is my first (poor) attempt at a slideshow vid, using Windows Movie Maker:
This kind of gives an example of 'what lays ahead' for me, and the way I want Riot Graphics to be shown to the world. Ok, at the moment, my 'high experience' has my videos look like they have been done by an 8 year old. Ach, c'est la vie.:P
Anywho, laters.
*P.S.- ummm you kinda DO NOT want to know how long I have stared at and willed it to tell me to add my videos. Its working now though XD*
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Calm before storm
What happens is we get this training in a classroom, much like school, and then we spend two weeks taking nothing but technical calls. And right now, I am in the middle part, as I have just finished the training about 20 minutes ago. :) So I am on the phone, for the last hour of my shift, taking my normal Customer Services calls, and to be honest, it is totally dead. And I am really excited about starting to take tech calls tomorrow :) , as in really cannot wait. I guess its just because I am trying something new, so it is always exciting. I am just happy its not billing, because I like techincal, but I cannot do billing for the life of me.
The one thing that is important with working on the phone, and even moreso with tech, is how you explain something to a customer. Which is how graphic design works, its how you communicate the information. Its one of the things I have learnt, working for such a large company, customers only take in what they want to. So I suppose an important thing in what I do, is finding a way that all the important information will be taken in by whoever looks at it.
Because of the industry I am planning to go into, I am very big on reading the small print, but that is something I have learnt working here, as well as creating my own advertisements. People absorb what you tell them to, and people use that power against the very people they set out to have as customers.
By not displaying information as clearly as they should, people don't even read important things such as contracts and small print, because they are boring. They just want to watch their new tv, not sit and read through a book of terms of their contract. As a business who serves the public, is it not important that we tell customers EVERYTHING, and not just the good bits to make a quick sale.
At the end of the day, if you are honest and upfront, a client or customer will respect you for giving them all the facts. Just because there are conditions to your free broadband, does not mean that is anyless of an offer if we tell you of the conditions.
I believe that the public should be given as much information as possible, by us, as in businesses, so that the can make the best decision. And people who withhold information, should get charged, as we need to defend the public. They have faith in who they deal with, too many people take advantage of that faith.
**sorry for rambling, but its a thought which has been in my head a long time, and I think that it is something that should be openly discussed. **
Monday, 5 April 2010
Holiday Work?
So first proper day of holiday and I wake up at midday. Which leads to me lounging around and doing nothing till I venture out for work later on. So, kind of not productive, when you consider other than making a toasted cheese sandwich, this blog is the most productive I have been all day. lol
Oh well. I'm going to try and get some stuff tonight when I come home from work. Gonna put on the Watchmen DVD, and just relax, and play catch up on everything. :) Well, I am going to sit and get my thumbnails sorted for my graded Unit. I got a C last year for my Graded Unit, so my aim is to blow that result out the water this year. So far, the project is a lot cleaner and a lot more detailed, I just hope I can keep that up :-?
I suppose it was my birthday weekend, so I'm trying not to be so harsh on myself, as that usually brings what little motivation I have to a stop. So I'm trying to not stress out about it. I am going to try and sort my room out tomorrow, because it is covered in sketchbooks, clothes and empty fag packets.
I know, its such a sexy image :P
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Off-loading frustrations.
Spent a lovely night out, which lead to most of today being spend in my bed. *shrugs* Is that not what Sunday's are there for, are they not?
Anyway, this is just me checking in. Still got a horrible cold, and am still coughing till I vomit, which is not a nice experience.
Also something kind of major happened. Well, its major to me.
Benji Madden won his fight at Ellismania 5 against Riki Rachtman. So happy he won, though. As usual with fights, there is a good guy and a bad guy. And Riki was the mouthy bad guy. He had been slagging off Benji and Good Charlotte fans, whilst Benji was mostly silent. The thing is now Benji has won (TKO in first round), people have taken to be really mean about Riki. So as always, I find myself defending someone against the wrath of the GC fans. Did it with Paris, Nicole (at the start) and Holly. I mean, people are wishing death on people they have never met.
I am so proud of Benji, he got himself fit, and did what he wanted. Then Benji is always like that. He is so determined. Thats what makes him such a positive role model. He is Mr Posicore.
And that thought, makes me ill.
Anywho, this was a pointless post, but I had to off-load my anger at some peoples attitude against people. :P
Ciao xx
Friday, 2 April 2010
Website designing, or should that be attempting?
Anywho, finished my website planning today. Which is nice to have that done and dusted, though I know for a fact its not as good as it should be, because I started rushing. And trust me, it wasn't for lack of trying, that the work wasn't done. I mean, I sat in front of the computer for about 8 hours trying to work, and getting nowhere cause I was sick. *sigh*
From having a look at a lot of websites, it seems that a lot of them are written in a 'blog' format. I think that this is because it makes the site easy to use, and everybody and their dog seems to have some kind of blogging site these days. *Me, I have like 6 blogs from blog sites and that's not including Myspace, Twitter, etc*
Website has switched back to Riot Graphics, instead of Phsychobabble. I was put off because there was another site on Myspace called Riot Graphics *:( <----my face at finding that out*. Well, last night I eventually had the guts to check it out and see what my competition is. It was a site for Paramore graphics and photos. A site which has not been accessed in almost 2 years. You have no idea how relieved that makes me. :) I have talked to a lot of bands through Myspace, as a matter of getting work, and to think that another company had the same name as mine, made me want to cry.
But, all is good on that front, so I decided to go back to Riot Graphics, and used Psychobabble for a project when I get things sorted a bit.
I have been using Riot Graphics for about 3 years now, and I like it. I can even think of how I got the name. Hmmm *thinks*
Anyways, I got to go to the job that is paying for my bills right now :(
So toodles. xx :P
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Get Down With The Sickness
Still not feeling much better, if anything I am feeling worse. It started off as the flu, which then turned into a rather nasty cold and finally it is an ear infection.:/ Its my birthday this weekend, and I can sense it'll be in my bed. Not so nice, likes.
Anyway, I am having a wee break from doing work, or trying to do work, and been having a wee look through the internet, to try and find inspirational websites for influencing my website I'm designing. I am bad enough doing things normally, without feeling half dead.
So this is just a quick update, whilst I try to get motivated again. But I found this website during my ambling.Its a site by a guy called Adam Amaral, I like the hand drawn menus and things. Check it out -