Tuesday 5 May 2009

Found my mojo?

I am currently using the colleges' iMacs, which can work even less than the pcs. For a media and graphics department to have 8 year old computers, which struggle to run Windows, and render the things unworkable. Which is the biggest hurdle in this college, that and the fact it couldn't inspire the most creative person to do work. You would think that putting lots of creative people together, would inspire people more, but that only works if those people are working to begin with. Its kind of like following the leader, one person gets distracted, and one by one every other member follows them.

Not the best state of mind, for a whole class to be, especially at this time of the year.

Saying that I have done a lot of work for a project where I have to redesign the McDonalds logo. It is something that is a lot harder than it sounds.  Try and think about McDonalds without the famous 'golden arches' . It is hard, as because its such a popular brand, and to change its so the most famous part is not included, is hard.  But I have been doing a lot of sketches, to try and re-motivate myself, which is actually working.  Well it is I suppose, I have to have all the developement finished by next week, which is a headache. A major headache. Just have to try and keep motivated, I suppose, which is a lot harder that what you'd think. If you are not in the correct mindset, you find that you can't create anything worthwhile.

At the moment I am doing animation, for a project for E4. It is just a 20 second animation created on flash. The animation includes lots of little worms who travel along the ground up to join other worms to make the E4 logo. It sounded good in my head. I really feel for anyone who animates as a job, its really hard. And I'm using Flash, and that cuts a lot of corners.

But hey, at least I seem to be moving forward, which is better than nothing

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