Monday 9 August 2010

...and the roof went off.

Bad Religion.

That band was amazing last night. Thanks to Rebellion, I have seen many of my musical heroes in the last few years. And if that isn't inspirational, I don't know what is.

There was a section yesterday, where John Robb (Goldblade, The Membranes) interviewed Charlie Harper (UK Subs). Charlie Harper has been playing music since 1965, and he is still going strong. That in itself is inspirational, but when he starts talking about things such as borrowing The Rolling Stones kit for a gig, it hits you how much this guy has done. UK Subs started in 1975, and they do still pretty much continously.

Makes me sad that Charlie doesn't get any respect from general music fans, in fact most of them don't even know he exists. I mean Charlie has some amazing stories about a fantastic career.

Bad Religion get endless praise and most fans of rock music have at least heard of them. But Charlie and the UK Subs, don't get all that much. I suppose it would be great if all bands got the same attention. But, hearing Charlie talk, he seems satisfied with the level he is at, as he says you either stick with your art, or you do it for money.

How can you not respect someone who has that ethic, and is still making music after so long? Mr Harper deserves the respect of music fans and the industry, alike.

I am feeling very motivated right now, thanks to Rebellion and guys like Charlie Harper, who I spoke to yesterday and he was so nice.

Punk does that, inspires you to do what you want, live life to own your rules.

You can pick up life lessons almost anywhere, it's all about your state of mind. If you are in a bad mood, then it is often hard to find anything enlightening. But that's where I think music is different. Songs can effect your mood, you can't say that for a lot of things. But because music involves someone's emotion just to create it, so I figure that is why it effects people so much. I mean, I have albums that I listen to when I'm depressed, happy or angry.

I think if the musician writes and plays from their heart, then someone will always become connected to the song. But what I love about music, is the sharing aspect. If you like a band, share it with your friend. Word by mouth is how most rock bands get more attention.

So do music a service and share your favourite bands with friends. Because without fans recommending bands, there wouldn't be much of a music industry. If you get a copy of an album from a friend, go see that artist live and buy some merch. Get the money to the bands, and not to the suits.

Fuck the record companies, trying to force money out of someone elses art.

So before I go, check out the UK Subs, and be inspired.

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