Saturday, 23 May 2009

Its not actually that hard

After speaking to friends and my college mates, I had been told that it can be difficult to get a response from companies when looking for free samples. But I emailed, concentrating on the fact that I am starting a new business, and missed out the fact that I was a student. It seemed to have worked because I have two companies who have already got in contact to say they'll send me things.

That is pretty deccent, no one else in my class has got anything. But I think that that they don't bother about  students as they don't want to waste their time, with people who are not really bothered about graphics or art as a profession. And they will send it up free of charge. So quite pleased with myself.

Tips for getting what you want, say that you are a new business, and leave out the student stuff. Also saying that you will promote their company to anyone who requires it.  I suppose it can mean business to them, so its kind of like promotion for them.

Other than that, there has been no process at all today. My brain thought it would have more fun downloading music today. I'll try and do stuff when I go home

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